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06 juli 2018

Stuurgroep Internationalisering EV zet Nederland weer verder op de internationale kaart

De Nederlandse EV-industrie kan nog steeds worden bestempeld als dé internationale koploper op het gebied van o.a. open standaarden, protocollen, smart charging, roaming, smart mobility en EV consultancy. Om onze unieke positie internationaal nog extra onder de aandacht te brengen, heeft de stuurgroep Internationalisering EV de afgelopen periode hard gewerkt aan verdere internationale aandacht hiervoor. Het onderstaande bericht is hierop via RVO verzonden aan het gehele Nederlandse postennetwerk (ambassades, NBSO's, consulaten, etc..) 

To: all Embassies (IA and Economic/Trade section), NFIA and Netherlands Business Offices (in bcc)

Dear Madam/Sir,

We would like to inform you about the international opportunities for the Dutch e-mobility sector. Enclosed you will find a strategy for the internationalisation of the Dutch e-mobility sector, that maps the themes in which the Netherlands is most active worldwide and states what expertise Dutch companies have. It also gives some examples of activities planned in specific countries in 2018. You can use this information to promote the Dutch e-mobility sector and to signal opportunities for the Netherlands.

More information can be found in these publications:

If you have specific questions or signal potential opportunities, taking into account the International EV Framework that is also enclosed, please contact on behalf of the steering committee.

Best regards,

Steering Committee on the Internationalisation of E-mobility in the Netherlands of the Formula E-Team (Holland E-mobility Platform)

Bert Klerk, Chairman

Jan Wouters (AutomotiveNL)

Michel van Lindert (DOET Association)

Frank Rieck (Dutch Incert)

Baerte de Brey (ElaadNL)

Jurjen de Jong (eViolin)

Saskia de Smidt (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Frank Burmeister (Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management)

Roland Ferwerda (NKL, National Knowledge Platform Public Charging Infrastructure)

Gerben Passier (Rijkswaterstaat)

Peter Wilbers (Rijkswaterstaat)

Sonja Munnix (, executive secretary)

De Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland ( stimuleert Duurzaam, Agrarisch, Innovatief en Internationaal ondernemen

Grafisch Ontwerp: Poet Farmer

Realisatie: Genkgo